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Local assets dir

When used with a remote storage provider, modelkit will persist assets locally in the assets directory. This is very useful for development, whenever an asset is requested modelkit will first check if it is present before downloading the remote asset if necessary.

Because assets are considered immutable, no checks are performed to verify that the objects have not been manually changed locally.

Assets directory

The local asset directory is found at ASSETS_DIR, although this can also be overrident when instantiating an AssetsManager.

Each asset's name is splitted along the path separators as directories, and version information is added.

For example, we have pushed to the remote store two assets: a directory to some/directory/asset and a file to some/asset. After retrieving them to the assets_dir, it will look like this:

└── some
|   ├── asset
|   │   ├── 0.0 # <- the file content
|   │   ├── .0.0.SUCCESS # hidden file indicating download success
|   │   ├── 0.1
|   │   |   ...
|   ├── directory
|   │   ├── asset
|   │   │   ├── 0.0
|   │   │   |   ├── .SUCCESS # hidden file indicating download success
|   │   │   |   ├── content0  <- the directory contents
|   │   │   |   ├── content2
|   │   │   |   |   ...
|   │   │   ├── 0.1
|   │   │   |   |   ...
|    ...


All previous versions of the assets are kept locally. It is safe, however to delete local copies of the assets manually to save space.

For directory assets, delete the version directory. For file assets, do not forget to delete the .version.SUCCESS file too.

To retrieve the assets path, refer to it via its asset specification:

mng = AssetsManager(assets_dir=assets_dir)
mng.fetch_asset("some/asset:0.0") # will point to `ASSETS_DIR/some/asset/0.0`
mng.fetch_asset("some/directory/asset:0.1") # will point to `ASSETS_DIR/some/asset/0.1`
mng.fetch_asset("some/directory/asset:0.1[content0]") # will point to `ASSETS_DIR/some/asset/0.1/content0`

Version resolution

When an asset is requested with the version not fully specified, modelkit may need to consult the remote storage to find the latest version. As a result, modelkit's asset manager will, in this context, have a different behavior depending on whether a remote storage provider is parametrized:

  • Without a remote store find the latest version of the asset available in the ASSETS_DIR
  • With a remote store contact the remote store to find the latest version, check whether it is present locally. If it is, use the local version, otherwise download the latest version.

This has an important consequence, which is that unpinned assets will always require network calls when being fetched, although they may already be present. For all production purposes, you should pin your asset versions.