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Model library

The only necessary environment variable to set to use modelkit is the assets directory MODELKIT_ASSETS_DIR it has to be a valid local directory.

AssetsManager settings

The parameters necessary to instantiate an AssetsManager can all be read from environment variables, or provided when initializing the AssetsManager.

Environment variable Default value Parameter Notes
MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER gcs storage_provider gcs (default), s3, az or local
MODELKIT_STORAGE_BUCKET None bucket Bucket in which data is stored
MODELKIT_STORAGE_PREFIX modelkit-assets prefix Objects prefix
MODELKIT_STORAGE_TIMEOUT_S 300 timeout_s max time when retrying storage downloads
MODELKIT_ASSETS_TIMEOUT_S 10 timeout file lock timeout when downloading assets

More settings can be passed in order to configure the driver itself, see the storage provider documentation for more information