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In this section, we will implement a sentiment classifier with Keras, using the components we have been developping so far.

Data preparation

We will reuse the read_dataset function, in addition to a few other helper functions which will continue taking advantage of generators to avoid loading up the entire dataset into memory:

  • alternate(f, g): to yield items alternatively between the f and g generators
  • alternate_labels(): to yield 1 and 0, alternatively, in sync with the previous alternate function
import glob
import os

from typing import Generator, Any

def read_dataset(path: str) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    for review in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.txt")):
        with open(review, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:

def alternate(
    f: Generator[Any, Any, Any], g: Generator[Any, Any, Any]
) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
    while True:
            yield next(f)
            yield next(g)
        except StopIteration:

def alternate_labels() -> Generator[int, None, None]:
    while True:
        yield 1
        yield 0

Let's plug these pipes together so that to efficiently read and process the IMDB reviews dataset for our next Keras classifier, leveraging the Tokenizer and Vectorizer we implemented in the first two sections:

def process(path, tokenizer, vectorizer, length, batch_size):
    # read the positive sentiment reviews dataset
    positive_dataset = read_dataset(os.path.join(path, "pos"))
    # read the negative sentiment reviews dataset
    negative_dataset = read_dataset(os.path.join(path, "neg"))
    # alternate between positives and negatives examples
    dataset = alternate(positive_dataset, negative_dataset)
    # generate labels in sync with the previous generator: 1 for positive examples, 0 for negative ones
    labels = alternate_labels()

    # tokenize the reviews using our Tokenizer Model
    tokenized_dataset = tokenizer.predict_gen(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)
    # vectorize the reviews using our Vectorizer Model
    vectorized_dataset = vectorizer.predict_gen(
        tokenized_dataset, length=length, batch_size=batch_size
    # yield (review, label) tuples for Keras
    yield from zip(vectorized_dataset, labels)

Let's try it out on the first examples:

i = 0
for review, label in process(
    os.path.join("aclImdb", "train"),
    modelkit.load_model("imdb_tokenizer", models=Tokenizer),
    modelkit.load_model("imdb_vectorizer", models=Vectorizer),
    print(review, label)
    i += 1
    if i >= 10:

Model library

So far, we have instantiated Tokenizer and Vectorizer classes as standard objects. Modelkit provides a simpler and more powerful way to instantiate Models, the library: modelkit.ModelLibrary.

The purpose of the ModelLibrary is to have a single way to load any of the models that are defined, any way you decide to keep them organized.

With a library ModelLibrary you can

  • fetch models by their configuration key using ModelLibrary.get while ensuring that models are only loaded once
  • use prediction caching: Prediction Caching
  • use lazy loading for models: Lazy Loading
  • override model parameters: Settings

Although we will not cover all of these features here, let's see how we can take advantage of the ModelLibrary with our previous work.

Let us define a model library, it can take the clases of models as input:

import modelkit

... # define Vectorizer and Tokenizer classes

model_library = modelkit.ModelLibrary(models=[Vectorizer, Tokenizer])
tokenizer = model_library.get("imdb_tokenizer")
vectorizer = model_library.get("imdb_vectorizer")

Or, alternatively use the modules they are present in:

import module_with_models

model_library = modelkit.ModelLibrary(models=module_with_models)

This method is the preferred method, because it encourages you to adopt a package-like organisation of your Models (see Organizing Models)

Using models to create a TF.Dataset

Now that we know how to reach out models, let us use them to create a TF Dataset from our data processing generators:

import os
import tensorflow as tf


training_set = (
        lambda: process(
            os.path.join("aclImdb", "train"),
        output_types=(tf.int16, tf.int16),
validation_set = (
        lambda: process(
            os.path.join("aclImdb", "test"),
        output_types=(tf.int16, tf.int16),

Training a Keras model

Let's train a basic Keras classifier to predict whether an IMDB review is positive or negative, and save it to disk.

import tensorflow as tf

model = tf.keras.Sequential(
            input_dim=len(vectorizer.vocabulary) + 2, output_dim=64, input_length=LENGTH
        tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1)),
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation="sigmoid"),
    "imdb_model.h5", include_optimizer=False, save_format="h5", save_traces=False

Classifier Model

Voilà ! As we already did for the Vectorizer, we will embed the just-saved imdb_model.h5 in a basic Modelkit Model which we will further upgrade in the next section.

import modelkit
import tensorflow as tf

from typing import List

class Classifier(modelkit.Model[List[int], float]):
    CONFIGURATIONS = {"imdb_classifier": {"asset": "imdb_model.h5"}}

    def _load(self):
        self.model = tf.keras.models.load_model(self.asset_path)

    def _predict_batch(self, vectorized_reviews):
        return self.model.predict(vectorized_reviews)

Much like we did for the Vectorizer, the Classifier model has a imdb_classifier configuration with an asset pointing to the imdb_model.h5.

We also benefit from Keras' predict ability to batch predictions in our _predict_batch method.

End-to-end prediction

To summarize, here is how we would want to chain our Tokenizer, Vectorizer and Classifier:

import modelkit

library = modelkit.ModelLibrary(models=[Tokenizer, Vectorizer, Classifier])
tokenizer = library.get("imdb_tokenizer")
vectorizer = library.get("imdb_vectorizer")
classifier = library.get("imdb_classifier")

review = "I freaking love this movie, the main character is so cool !"

tokenized_review = tokenizer(review)  # or tokenizer.predict
vectorized_review = vectorizer(tokenized_review)  # or vectorizer.predict
prediction = classifier(vectorized_review)  # or classifier.predict

In the next (and final) section, we will see how modelkit can be used to perform this operation in a single Model.