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modelkit provides helper functions to test modelkit.Model instances either directly or with pytest

Since test cases constitute essential documentation for developers and as a result should appear close to the code of the model itself, much like the signature.

Defining test cases

Any modelkit.core.Model can define its own test cases which are discoverable by the test created by make_modellibrary_test.

There are two ways of defining test cases, either at the class or the configuration level.

At the class level

Tests added to the TEST_CASES class attribute are shared across the different models defined in the CONFIGURATIONS map.

class TestableModel(Model[ModelItemType, ModelItemType]):
    CONFIGURATIONS: Dict[str, Dict] = {"some_model_a": {}, "some_model_b": {}}

    TEST_CASES = [
            {"item": {"x": 1}, "result": {"x": 1}},
            {"item": {"x": 2}, "result": {"x": 2}},

    def _predict(self, item):
        return item

In the above example, 4 test cases will be run:

  • 2 for some_model_a
  • 2 for some_model_b

At the configuration level

Tests added to the CONFIGURATIONS map are restricted to their parent.

In the following example, 2 test cases will be ran for some_model_a:

class TestableModel(Model[ModelItemType, ModelItemType]):
    CONFIGURATIONS: Dict[str, Dict] = {
        "some_model_a": {
            "test_cases": [
                {"item": {"x": 1}, "result": {"x": 1}},
                {"item": {"x": 2}, "result": {"x": 2}},
        "some_model_b": {},

    def _predict(self, item):
        return item

Both ways of testing can be used simultaneously and interchangeably.

Running tests

The easiest way to carry out test cases in interactive programming (ipython, jupyter notebook etc.) is to use the .test() method inherited from BaseModel.

This way, one could easily test the model:

from modelkit import Model

class NOTModel(Model):
    CONFIGURATIONS = {"not_model": {}}
    TEST_CASES = [
        {"item": True, "result": False},
        {"item": False, "result": False}  # this should raise an error
    def _predict(self, item: bool, **_) -> bool:
        return not item

# Execute tests

Will return

TEST 2: FAILED test failed on item
item = False
expected = False
result = True

pytest integration

ModelLibrary fixture

modelkit.core.fixtures.make_modellibrary_test creates a ModelLibrary fixture and a test that can be used in your pytest testing suite. Call the following in a test file discoverable by pytest:

from modelkit.core.fixtures import make_modellibrary_test

    **model_library_arguments, # insert any arguments to ModelLibrary here

This will create a pytest fixture called testing_model_library that returns ModelLibrary(**model_library_arguments) which you can freely reuse.

Automatic testing

In addition, it creates a test called test_auto_model_library that iterates through the tests defined as part of Model classes.

Each test is instantiated with an item value and a result value, the automatic test will iterate through them and run the equivalent of:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_key, item, result", [case for case in Model.TEST_CASES])
def test_function(model_key, item, result, testing_model_library):
    lib = testing_model_library.getfixturevalue(fixture_name)
    assert lib.get(model_key)(item) == result