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Managing assets

This section describes how to push assets either manually using CLI or programmatically.

Asset maintenance actions

Since assets are immutable, there are only two actions one can take to affect the remotely stored assets.

  • update an existing asset: If the asset name already exists remotely, the appropriate action is to update it.
  • create a new asset: If this is the first time that this asset asset name is created, the correct action is the create it.

modelkit does not offer ways to delete or replace assets.

Maintaining assets with CLI

modelkit implements CLIs to ease the maintenance of remote assets.

Make sure the storage provider is properly setup with environment variables (see here).

Create a new asset

To create a new asset:

modelkit assets new /path/to/asset/locally asset_name

After prompting you for confirmation, it will create a remote asset with initial version.

(e.g. 0.0 for default major/minor versioning system, or the current date for "simple date" system)

Update an asset

Use modelkit assets update to update an existing asset using a local file or directory at /local/asset/path under a new version according to the version system.

Major/minor versioning system

  • Bump the minor version

Assuming name has versions 0.1, 1.1, running

modelkit assets update /local/asset/path name
will add a version 1.2

  • Bump the major version

Assuming name has versions 0.1, 1.0, running

modelkit assets update /local/asset/path name --bump-major

After prompting your for confirmation, it will add a version 2.0

  • Bump the minor version of an older asset

Assuming name has versions 0.1, 1.0, running

modelkit assets update /local/asset/path name:0
will add a version 0.2

Simple date system

modelkit assets update /local/asset/path name will bump a new version equivalent to the current UTC date in iso format YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ssZ

Listing remote assets

A CLI is also available to list remote assets in a given bucket:

modelkit assets list

Maintaining assets programmatically

First, instantiate an AssetsManager pointing to the desired bucket, possibly changing the prefix, storage method, etc.:

from modelkit.assets.remote import StorageProvider

assets_store = StorageProvider()

Create a new asset

Assuming the asset is locally present at asset_path (either a file or a directory), create the remote asset name:initial_version as follows:, initial_version, name)

where initial_version is obtained using the get_initial_version method of your AssetsVersioningSystem system


Creating new assets programmatically is possible, even though it is not considered a good practice. Using the CLI is the prefered and safest way to manage assets.

Update the asset

Assuming the asset is locally present at asset_path (either a file or a directory), update the remote asset name as follows:


where version is the new version which can be updated using the increment_version method of your AssetsVersioningSystem system