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Integrate in existing app

Integrating modelkit models in an existing app is extremely simple, you simply have to add the ModelLibrary object to the main module.

Instantiate a ModelLibrary

In the main Python script where you define your fastapi application, attach the model library to the application state:

import fastapi
import modelkit

app = fastapi.FastAPI()
# instantiate the library
lib = modelkit.ModelLibrary(
# add the library to the app state
app.state.lib = lib

# Don't forget to close the connections when the application stops!
async def shutdown_event():
    await app.state.lib.aclose()
Multiple workers

This method of integrating the ModelLibrary ensures that all models are created before different workers are instantiated (e.g. using gunicorn --preload), which is convenient since all will share the same model objects and not increase memory.

Use the models

Finally, anywhere else where you add endpoints to the application, you can retrieve the ModelLibrary from the request object.

Since getting the Model object is just a dictionary lookup, retrieving it is instantaneous.
def some_path_endpoint(request: fastapi.Request, item):
    # Get the model object
    m ="model_name")
    # Use to make predictions as usual
    return ...
Async support

This is the context in which modelkit's async support shines, be sure to use your AsyncModels here:
async def some_path_endpoint(request: fastapi.Request, item):
    m ="model_name")
    result = await m.predict(...)
    return ...