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In order to run/deploy modelkit endpoints, you need to provide it with the necessary environment variables, most of them required by modelkit.assets to retrieve assets from the remote object store:

General modelkit environment variables

The assets directory is required to know where to find assets

  • MODELKIT_ASSETS_DIR: the local directory in which assets will be downloaded and cached. This needs to be a valid local directory.

It is convenient to set a default value of a package in which ModelLibrary will look for models:

  • MODELKIT_DEFAULT_PACKAGE (default None). It has to be findable (on the PYTHONPATH)

Lazy loading is useful when you want the models to be loaded only when they are actually used.

  • MODELKIT_LAZY_LOADING (defaults to False) toggles lazy loading mode for the ModelLibrary

Due to the implementation of cloud drivers, which are not pickable, the lazy driver mode is useful when you want to use the ModelLibrary in conjunction with libraries using pickle: PySpark, multiprocessing etc.

  • MODELKIT_LAZY_DRIVER (defaults to False) toggles lazy mode for the StorageProvider's drivers creation (boto3, gcs, azure)

These variables are necessary to set a remote storage from which to retrieve assets. Refer to the storage provider documentation for more information for more information.

  • MODELKIT_STORAGE_BUCKET (default: unset): override storage container where assets are retrieved from.
  • MODELKIT_STORAGE_PREFIX : the prefix under which objects are stored
  • MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER (default: gcs) the storage provider (does not have to be set)
    • for MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=gcs, the variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS need to be pointing to a service account credentials JSON file (this is not necessary on dev machines)
    • for MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=s3, you need to instantiate AWS_PROFILE
    • for MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=az, you need to instantiate AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING with a connection string
  • MODELKIT_ASSETS_VERSIONING_SYSTEM will fix the assets versioning system. It can be major_minor or simple_date

TF serving environment variables

These environment variables can be used to parametrize tensorflow serving.

  • MODELKIT_TF_SERVING_ENABLE (default: True): Get tensorflow data from tensorflow server, instead of loading these data locally (if set to False you need to install tensorflow).
    • MODELKIT_TF_SERVING_HOST (default: localhost): IP address of tensorflow server
    • MODELKIT_TF_SERVING_PORT (default: 8501): Port of tensorflow server
    • MODELKIT_TF_SERVING_MODE (default: rest): rest to use REST protocol of tensorflow server (port 8501), grpc to use GRPC protocol (port 8500)
    • TF_SERVING_TIMEOUT_S (default: 60): Timeout duration for tensorflow server calls

Cache environment variables

These environment variables can be used to parametrize the caching.

  • MODELKIT_CACHE_PROVIDER (default: None) to use prediction caching
  • if MODELKIT_CACHE_PROVIDER=redis, use an external redis instance for caching:
    • MODELKIT_CACHE_HOST (default: localhost)
    • MODELKIT_CACHE_PORT (default: 6379)
  • if MODELKIT_CACHE_PROVIDER=native use native caching (via cachetools):
    • MODELKIT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE size of the cache