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In this section, we will cover the basics of modelkit's API, and use spaCy as tokenizer for our NLP pipeline.


Once you have set up a fresh python environment, let's install modelkit, spacy and grab the small english model.

pip install modelkit spacy
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Simple Model predict

To define a modelkit Model, you need to:

  • create a class inheriting from modelkit.Model
  • implement a _predict method

To begin with, let's create a minimal tokenizer:

import modelkit

class Tokenizer(modelkit.Model):
    def _predict(self, text):
        return text.split()

That's it! It is very minimal, but sufficient to define a modelkit Model.

You can now instantiate and call the Model:

tokenizer = Tokenizer()

tokenizer.predict("I am a Data Scientist from Amiens, France")
Other ways to call predict

It is also possible to get predictions for batches (lists of items):

    "I am a Data Scientist from Amiens, France", 
    "And I use modelkit"

or call predict as a generator:

for prediction in tokenizer.predict_gen(("I am a Data Scientist from Amiens, France",)):

Complex Model initialization

Let's now use spaCy to get closer to a production-ready tokenizer.

This will also help demonstrate additional Modelkit features.

import modelkit
import spacy

class Tokenizer(modelkit.Model):
    def _load(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load(

    def _predict(self, text):
        text = " ".join(text.replace("<br", "").replace("/>", "").split())
        return [
            for t in self.nlp(text)  # self.nlp is guaranteed to be initialized
            if t.is_ascii and len(t) > 1 and not (t.is_punct or t.is_stop or t.is_digit)

We implement a _load method, which is where any asset, artifact, and other complex model attributes are created.

This method will be called exactly once in the lifetime of the Model object.

We define the spacy pipeline in the _load method (as opposed to _predict or the __init__ methods), because it allows your model to benefit from advanced modelkit features such as lazy loading and dependency management.

Since we will only be using the tokenizer and not the many other cool spacy features, let's not forget to disable them.

We can instantiate the model and get predictions as before:

tokenizer = Tokenizer() # _load is called
tokenizer.predict("spaCy is a great lib for NLP 😀")
# ['spacy', 'great', 'lib', 'nlp']

Batch computation

So far, we have only implemented the _predict method, which tokenizes items one by one.

In many instances, however, models will be called with many items at once, and we can leverage vectorization for speedups. This is particularly true when using other frameworks (Numpy, spaCy, Tensorflow, PyTorch etc.), or distant calls (TF Serving, database accesses etc.).

To leverage batching, modelkit allows you to define a _predict_batch method to process lists of items, and thus kill multiple birds with one stone.

Here we use spaCy's pipe method to tokenize items in batch:

import modelkit
import spacy

class Tokenizer(modelkit.Model):
    def _load(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load(

    def _predict_batch(self, texts):
        texts = [
            " ".join(text.replace("<br", "").replace("/>", "").split())
            for text in texts
        return [
                for t in text
                if t.is_ascii
                and len(t) > 1
                and not (t.is_punct or t.is_stop or t.is_digit)
            for text in self.nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=len(texts))

Compared to the implementation with a _predict call, the time needed to tokenize batches of data is divided by 2.

For example, using ipython's timeit to process a list of a 100 strings:

%timeit [Tokenizer().predict("spaCy is a great lib for NLP") for _ in range(100)]
# 11.1 ms ± 203 µs per loop on a 2020 Macbook Pro.

%timeit Tokenizer().predict_batch(["spaCy is a great lib for NLP] * 100, batch_size=64)
# 5.5 ms ± 105 µs per loop on a 2020 Macbook Pro.

Caching predictions

modelkit also allows you to use prediction caching (using Redis, or Python native caches) to improve computation times when the same items are seen over and over

Additional features


So far the tokenizer is relatively simple, but it is always useful to test your code.

modelkit encourages you to add test cases alongside the Model class definition to ensure that it behaves as intended, and serve as documentation.

import modelkit
import spacy

class Tokenizer(modelkit.Model):
    TEST_CASES = [
        {"item": "", "result": []},
        {"item": "NLP 101", "result": ["nlp"]},
            "item": "I'm loving the spaCy 101 course !!!ù*`^@😀",
            "result": ["loving", "spacy", "course"],
            "item": "<br/>prepare things for IMDB<br/>",
            "result": ["prepare", "things", "imdb"],
            "item": "<br/>a b c data<br/>      e scientist",
            "result": ["data", "scientist", "failing", "test"],
        },  # fails as intended

    def _load(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load(

    def _predict_batch(self, texts):
        texts = [
            " ".join(text.replace("<br", "").replace("/>", "").split())
            for text in texts
        return [
                for t in text
                if t.is_ascii
                and len(t) > 1
                and not (t.is_punct or t.is_stop or t.is_digit)
            for text in self.nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=len(texts))

You can run these test cases in the interactive programming tool of your choice (e.g. ipython, jupyter etc.) using the test method:

# TEST 5: FAILED test failed on item
# item = '<br/>a b c data<br/>      e scientist'                                               
# expected = list instance                                                                     
# result = list instance                                                                       
Run using pytest

It is also possible to automatically test all models using the pytest integration, using the Modelkit autotesting fixture.

Woops, seems like we need to fix the last test!

Input and output specification

It is good practice to specify inputs and outputs of models in production code

This allows calls to be validated, thus ensuring consistency between calls, dependencies, services, and raising alerts when Models are not called as expected.

This is also good for documentation, to understand how to use a given model, and during development to benefit from static type checking (e.g. with mypy).

modelkit allows you to define the expected input and output types of your model by subclassing Model[input_type, output_type], where input_type and output_type can be standard Python types, dataclasses, or complex pydantic models.

Let's add specification our Tokenizer to conclude this first part:

from typing import List

import modelkit
import spacy

class Tokenizer(modelkit.Model[str, List[str]]):
    TEST_CASES = [
        {"item": "", "result": []},
        {"item": "NLP 101", "result": ["nlp"]},
            "item": "I'm loving the spaCy 101 course !!!ù*`^@😀",
            "result": ["loving", "spacy", "course"],
            "item": "<br/>prepare things for IMDB<br/>",
            "result": ["prepare", "things", "imdb"],
            "item": "<br/>a b c data<br/>      e scientist",
            "result": ["data", "scientist", "failing", "test"],
        },  # fails as intended

    def _load(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load(

    def _predict_batch(self, texts):
        texts = [
            " ".join(text.replace("<br", "").replace("/>", "").split())
            for text in texts
        return [
                for t in text
                if t.is_ascii
                and len(t) > 1
                and not (t.is_punct or t.is_stop or t.is_digit)
            for text in self.nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=len(texts))

Calling the model with an unexpected type will raise a Modelkit ItemValidationException:

Tokenizer().predict([1, 2, 3, 4])

And mypy will raise errors if it encounters calls that are not correct:

result : int = Tokenizer().predict("some text")


That's it!

In this modelkit introduction, you have learned:

  • How to create a basic Model by inheriting from modelkit.Model and implementing a _predict method
  • How to correctly load artefacts/assets by overriding the _load method
  • How to leverage batch computing to speed up execution by implementing a _predict_batch method
  • How to add tests to ensure everything works as intended using TEST_CASES right in your model definition
  • How to add specification to your model's inputs and outputs using modelkit.Model[input_type, output_type]

Final Tokenizer code

from typing import List

import modelkit
import spacy

class Tokenizer(modelkit.Model[str, List[str]]):
    CONFIGURATIONS = {"imdb_tokenizer": {}}
    TEST_CASES = [
        {"item": "", "result": []},
        {"item": "NLP 101", "result": ["nlp"]},
            "item": "I'm loving the spaCy 101 course !!!ù*`^@😀",
            "result": ["loving", "spacy", "course"],
            "item": "<br/>prepare things for IMDB<br/>",
            "result": ["prepare", "things", "imdb"],
            "item": "<br/>a b c data<br/>      e scientist",
            "result": ["data", "scientist"],

    def _load(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load(

    def _predict_batch(self, texts):
        texts = [
            " ".join(text.replace("<br", "").replace("/>", "").split())
            for text in texts
        return [
                for t in text
                if t.is_ascii
                and len(t) > 1
                and not (t.is_punct or t.is_stop or t.is_digit)
            for text in self.nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=len(texts))

As you may have seen, there is a CONFIGURATIONS map in the class definition, we will cover it in the next section.