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Storage provider

In order to take advantage of remote asset storage, you have to configure your environment to use the right storage provider.

This is generally done by means of environment variables, and currently supports object stores on S3 (e.g. AWS, or minio) or GCS.

The first thing you will need is a local directory in which assets will be retrieved and stored. This is best set in an environment variable MODELKIT_ASSETS_DIR which has to point to an existing directory.

Remote storage paths

You will need a remote object store, as identified by a bucket, and modelkit will store all objects under a given prefix.

These are controlled by the following environment variables

  • MODELKIT_STORAGE_BUCKET the name of the buket
  • MODELKIT_STORAGE_PREFIX the prefix of all modelkit objects in the bucket


You will need to have credentials present with permissions.

At runtime

This is typically the case of running services, they need read access to all the objects in the bucket under the storage prefix.

For developers

Developers may additionally need to be able to push new assets and or update existing assets, which requires them to be able to create and update certain objects.

Using different providers

The flavor of the remote store that is used depends on optional dependencies used during pip install and on the MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER environment variable.

The default pip install modelkit will only allow you to target a local directory.

Using AWS S3 storage

Use pip install modelkit[assets-s3] and setup this environment variable MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=s3 to connect to S3 storage.

We use boto3 under the hood.

The authentication information here is passed to the boto3.client object:

Environment variable boto3.client argument
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID aws_access_key_id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN aws_session_token
S3_ENDPOINT endpoint_url

Typically, if you use AWS: having AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION and valid credentials in ~/.aws is enough.

S3 storage driver is compatible with KMS encrypted s3 volumes. Use AWS_KMS_KEY_ID environment variable to set your key and be able to upload files to such volume.

GCS storage

Use pip install modelkit[assets-gcs] and setup this environment variable MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=gcs to connect to GCS storage.

We use google-cloud-storage.

Environment variable Default value Notes

By default, the GCS client use the credentials setup up on the machine.

If GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is provided, it should point to a local JSON service account file, which we use to instantiate the client with

Using Azure blob storage

Use pip install modelkit[assets-az] and setup this environment variable MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=az to connect to Azure blob storage.

We use azure-storage-blobl under the hood.

The client is created by passing the authentication information to BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string:

Environment variable Note

local mode

Setup this environment variable MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER=local to treat a local folder as a remote source.

Assets will be downloaded from this folder to the configured asset dir.

If you would like to run on already downloaded assets please refer to "Pre-downloaded mode" section below.

Environment variable Notes
MODELKIT_STORAGE_BUCKET path to the local folder
MODELKIT_STORAGE_PREFIX sub directory where assets are fetched from

Pre-downloaded mode

Use MODELKIT_STORAGE_PROVIDER= or unset it to use only assets available in assets dir.

This can be used for local development or for deploying assets in read-only artifacts.

Other options

If you would like us to support other means of remote storage, do feel free to request it by posting an issue!