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Organizing models

Models organization

modelkit encourages you to organise models in python packages which can be tested and shared between members of the same team.

ModelLibrary from a package

For example, assuming we have a modelkit model configured as my_favorite_model somewhere under the my_models module.

from modelkit import ModelLibrary
import my_models # contains subclasses of `Model`

# Create the library
# This downloads assets and instantiates model_dependencies
library = ModelLibrary(models=my_models)
model = library.get("my_favorite_model")


For development, it is also possible to load a single model without a ModelLibrary:

from modelkit import load_model
model = load_model("my_favorite_model", models="my_models")

If you have set the MODELKIT_DEFAULT_PACKAGE environment variable, you can also skip the models=... part.

Organizing code

A typical modelkit model repository follows the same organisation as any other Python package.

└── my_ml_package
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   ├── # defines sub_model
|   ├── subpackage
|   │   ├──
|   │   ├──
|   │   |   ...
|   │   ...

modelkit can make all packages available in a single ModelLibrary as so:

from modelkit import ModelLibrary
import my_ml_package

service = ModelLibrary(models=my_ml_package)

It is also possible to refer to a sub module ModelLibrary(models=package.subpackage) the Model classes themselves ModelLibrary(models=SomeModelClass), string package names ModelLibrary(models="package.module_2") or any combination of the above ModelLibrary(models=[package.subpackage, SomeModelClass])

In order to restrict the models that are actually being loaded, pass a list of required_models keys to the ModelLibrary instantiation:

service = ModelLibrary(
    models=[package.module_2, package.subpackage],

Abstract models

It is possible to define models that inherit from an abstract model in order to share common behavior. It only requires to not set CONFIGURATIONS dict for those models to be ignored from the configuration steps.

For instance, it can be usefull to implement common prediction algorithm on different data assets.

class BaseModel(Model):
    def _predict(self, item, **kwargs):

class DerivedModel(BaseModel):
    CONFIGURATIONS = {"derived": {"asset": "something.txt"}}

    def _load(self):