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2 versioning systems are implemented by default in the modelkit/assets/versioning repository :

  • major_minor (used by default)
  • simple_date

We can implement a new versioning system by inheriting from the AssetsVersioningSystem class and override several methods which are necessary for the system to function.

To use a specific system use the environment variable MODELKIT_ASSETS_VERSIONING_SYSTEM


Some abstract functions have to be overriden :

  • get_initial_version which returns the initial version of a new asset.

  • check_version_valid which checks if a given version is valid.

  • sort_versions which implements the sorting logic of versions (used for example to get the latest version).

  • increment_version which implements the version incrementation logic.

  • get_update_cli_params which specifies the update cli display and the increment_version params received from parameters given to the update cli.

other methods can be overriden if needed.

  • is_version_complete returns True by default but can be overriden for system which allows incomplete version to specify if a given is complete or not.

  • get_latest_partial_version returns the last version by default but can be overriden for system which allow incomplete version to filter versions corresponding to a given incomplete version.

Simple Date

Simple date is a very simple versioning system using current date in UTC ISO 8601 Z format as version : YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ssZ (due to filename constraints the : of hh:mm:ss in the original notation are replaced with - ).

get_initial_version returns the current date in UTC iso format.

increment_version returns the current date in UTC iso format.

sort_versions iso format is compatible with a reversed alpha-numerical order.

Major / Minor (default)

The major / minor system uses a x.y format where x is the major and y the minor version.

get_initial_version returns 0.0.

increment_version increments the minor version (y+=1). A bump_version parameter allow us to increment a new major version (x+=1 ; y=0).

sort_versions sorts according to a (major, minor) key, considering major and minor as integers.

major/minor is compatible with incomplete versioning : version x corresponds to the latest x.y version :

is_version_complete returns True if major AND minor are specified and False if only the major is specified.

get_latest_partial_version returns the latest version OR the latest x.y version for a specified major x.