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Oftentimes, when using external libraries, it is much faster to compute predictions with batches of items. This is true with deep learning, but also when writing code with libraries like numpy.

For this reason, it is possible to define Model with batched prediction code, by overriding _predict_batch instead of _predict:

class MyModel(Model):
    def _predict(self, item):
        return item
    # OR 
    def _predict_batch(self, items):
        return items

Whichever one you decide to implement, modelkit will still expose the same methods predict, predict_batch and predict_gen.

Typically, one would first implement _predict to get the logic right, and later, if needed, implement _predict_batch to improve performance.


Don't override both _predict and _predict_batch. This will raise an error


In this example, we implement a dummy Model that computes the position of the min in a list using np.argmin.

In one version the code is not vectorized (it operates on a single item) and in the other one it is (a whole batched is processed at once).

The vectorized version is ~50% faster

import random
import timeit

from modelkit.core.model import Model
import numpy as np

# Create some data
data = []
base_item = list(range(100))
for _ in range(128):

# This model is not vectorized, `np.argmin`
# will be called individually for each batch
class MinModel(Model):
    def _predict(self, item):
        return np.argmin(item)

m = MinModel()

# This model is vectorized, `np.argmin`
# is called over a whole batch
class MinBatchedModel(Model):
    def _predict_batch(self, items):
        return np.argmin(items, axis=1)

m_batched = MinBatchedModel()

# They do return the same results
assert m.predict_batch(data) == m_batched.predict_batch(data)

# The batched model is ~50% slower
timeit.timeit(lambda: m.predict_batch(data), number=1000)
# The batched model is ~50% slower
timeit.timeit(lambda: m_batched.predict_batch(data), number=1000)
# Even more so with a larger batch size
timeit.timeit(lambda: m_batched.predict_batch(data, batch_size=128), number=1000)

Controling batch size

The default batch size for the Model object is controlled by its batch_size attribute. It defaults to None, which means that _predict_batch will by default always get:

  • a single, full length batch with all the items when called via predict_batch
  • as many batches of size one as there are items when called via predict_gen

It is possible to control the batch size for each call to _predict_batch, by using:

items = [1,2,3,4]
predictions = model.predict_batch(items, batch_size=2)
for p in model.predict_gen(iter(items), batch_size=2):
# predictions will be computed in batches of two

This is useful to avoid computing batches that are too large and may take up too much memory.

Note that, although modelkit will attempt to build batches of even size, this is not always the case:

  • remaining items if you request 10 predictions with a batch size of 3, the last batch will only contain one.
  • caching when caching, modelkit will yield if sufficiently many predictions can be fetched in the cache, and compute the rest, wich will lead to smaller batches than expected.

If you do need to access the number of items in a batch, use len(items) inside the _predict_batch. If you need to make sure that it is contant, you will have to implement padding yourself.


When using predict_gen with a model with _predict_batch implemented, modelkit will construct batches, while still yielding items one by one.